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Crop science

With four of the six macro nutrients: potassium (K), sulphur (S), magnesium (Mg) and calcium (Ca) using POLY4 is more efficient and effective for farmers, delivering flexible and more sustainable fertilizer practices.

Our crop trial studies, conducted in partnership with leading agricultural universities, research institutions and commercial associates, tested POLY4 on broad-acre and high-value crops against other K sources, both as a straight comparison and as a component in an NPK blend. Results consistently showed that POLY4 outperformed muriate of potash (MOP) and sulphate of potash (SOP) in crop yield and quality. Results also showed that POLY4 improved fertilizer use efficiency by delivering greater nutrient uptake. POLY4’s sustained dissolution rate provides continuous nutrition that is supportive of the crops’ growth cycle. Nutrients are released efficiently and effectively closely matching the needs of the plant.

POLY4 helps to strengthen the soil system. Calcium in POLY4 helps to increase tensile strength, preventing soil movement, and improves resilience to compaction, thus preventing water runoff.   

POLY4 also offers additional value  to farmers with the potential for increased economic margins.

POLY4 - nutrient release profile

POLY4’s impact on soil structure

Trial results